

Essential Tremor

Gyroscopes are spinning disks used in the latest aerospace technology, but they work on the same principles as children’s toy tops. They can quickly and proportionally counter any force input in any direction, maintaining angular momentum to stay upright in any plane of motion. We have manufactured and evaluated elastic bands, weights, fluid dampers, springs, electromagnetic shock absorbers, hydraulics, electrical nerve stimulation, soft robotics and more. However, nothing has come close to the responsiveness, simplicity, and reliability of gyroscopes.

How Es-Ter Works?

Stabilizing tremors caused by Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease caused by an inherited disorder of the brain or cerebellum, also called ‘Essential Tremor’ (ET) in medical language.


As a result of the research of our initiative team, which develops wearable platforms to improve the quality of life of patients, it was stated that gloves make patients comfortable. Regaining hand control

How Es-Ter Works?
Stabilizing tremors caused by Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease caused by an inherited disorder of the brain or cerebellum, also called ‘Essential Tremor’ (ET) in medical language.


As a result of the research of our initiative team, which develops wearable platforms to improve the quality of life of patients, it was stated that gloves make patients comfortable. Regaining hand control


Having your control by a specialist Obtaining sufficient information on the subject

Preparation of custom device prototypes

Paying attention to usage patterns in terms of health.

Technical Analysis
If you provide the necessary controls, if there is no usage restriction for the patient, your analysis reports will be checked and Es-Ter will be sent to you.
Expert Opinions
The fitted glove helps people with Parkinson’s and ET overcome the tremors that cause handshake and regain control of their hands.
Happy Life
Even the most basic daily needs such as eating and drinking can become impossible due to hand tremors caused by Parkinson’s and ET, which affect 200 million people worldwide.
Research and development process



Product draft and trial phase
We met with experts in design and presentation



Global analysis within the industry
Differences within the sector in which the product is located



A formation each of which is made up of different fields and artists.



Aesthetics from the artists involved in the formation
How Es-Ter Works?

Stabilizing tremors caused by Tremor and Parkinson’s Disease caused by an inherited disorder of the brain or cerebellum, also called ‘Essential Tremor’ (ET) in medical language.


As a result of the research of our initiative team, which develops wearable platforms to improve the quality of life of patients, it was stated that gloves make patients comfortable. Regaining hand control

Ester C1

General of country

Hand and Neck tremor

Product development

Support after sale

Supply of renewed products